Marine Weight Schedule
(by TomKod)
The Marine Model Schedule plugin for Rhino can generate a bill of masses, materials, and inertias from a vessel’s 3D model.
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The Marine Model Reports plugin for Rhino can generate a Bill Of Masses and a Bill Of Materials from a vessel’s 3D model. It take in account points, curves, surfaces, solids and blocks, and use the parameters from the layers names to apply the unitary/lineic/surfacic/volumic masses, with a margin percentage applied. The report also includes an automatic bill of materials.

A command is also provided to generate an hydrostatic report at a given height interval (based on Rhino hydrostatics features)

Both reports will be generated as excel files (.xlsx) based on a customizable template, but microsoft excel doesn’t need to be installed on the computer.



  • Several commands to add, edit or view mass information for your blocks. (Mass + gravity center)
  • Automatic project bill of masses and inertias.
    • The punctual/lineic/surfacic/volumic mass information is read from the layer name: (value)
    • Possibility to add a layer vertical offset: |value|
    • Possibility to add a layer margin to take in account the weldings: %value%
    • Possibility to define a layer material
    • Custom display windows in rhino with the global gravity center
  • Automatic Bill Of Materials (with implicit stiffeners, 3D surfaces to linear, etc..)
  • Automatic hydrostatics report
  • Reports are created as .xlsx files, but excel is not required. The report template can be edited or translated.
License Cost:
Rhino 6 for Win
Rhino 7 for Win