this program creates details from one or more objects in a new layout view. other objects will be hidden.
What this programm is able to do:
- creating layout pages simple and fast
- the name of the layout is displayed as a header on the page
- creating detailviews with only one or more objects
- output of the objects dimensions as a text line
- output of the drawings name and date as a text line
- save make_detail.py on your computer
- go to options aliases (verweise)
- create new alias f.i.: gg (shortcut) !-_runpythonscript "C:\path_to_your_file\make_detail.py"
- now you can use program by typing gg in the commandline
How to run the script:
- select one or more objects
- type your shortcut and then enter
- type the name of the layout (You cant type spaces), enter
- type enter to accept the default value for details, all will be created immediately
- for your own layout type the mode as shown below
How to create personal layouts:
- t = top
- p = perspective
- f = front
- r = right
- . (point) is the separator for rows
- t = only one detail with top view on layout page
- tf = two details in one row
- tp.rf = four details in two rows
Try it and save time.
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Also by Hilca4