Easy CAM-Solution for CNC-machining center with Woodflash (TpaCAD) Software.
Writes tcn-files from Rhino 2D curves.
Normally this filetype is created with TPACad.
For Review and special settings, open the file in the TpaCAD software.
This programm needs 2D objects. For generating this from 3D objects,
you can use some Rhino commands:
For every processing you need a separate curve
- Create curves on CPlane world top
- Set processing parameter to every curve, with command tcSetParamTrial
- Create tcn-files with command tcMakeFileTrial
tcSetParamTrial: help you to set working parameters
tcMakeFilesTrial: creates tcn-files
The program interprets Layernames:
Example for milling:
cnc: charakters for grouping processing layers (must be first parameter)
mf: processing modus (must be second parameter)
sd: side, 0=center, 1=left, 2=right
tz: tool z, depth
tl: tool no.
st: number of steps in z direction
br: number of bridges to fix the piece
Example drilling:
cnc-dr-tz12 = Drill 12mm deep, diameter of circle is diameter of hole
co = construction (processing = off)
dr = drill
mf = mill flying in
ms = mill side in
mp = mill point in
me = mill empty
sx = saw in x
sy = saw in y
s4 = saw 45 degree
tl tool
tz tool z value
il inlet length
it inlet type
ir inlet radius
st Steps in z
sd correction side
br number of bridges
bz Bridges thickness
Trial Version
The Trial version is not for production use, because:
- points and radius of arcs have a deviation
- correction tool is off
Circle for milling: make from a circel (2 points) half circle and connect them to have at least 3 points.
- Category:
- License Type:
Rhino 7 for Win