eVe | sun
(by Programming Architecture)
eVe | sun eVe|sun is a plug-in used for shadow analysis with a slightly different approach. The plug-in enables you to set the sun position for
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eVe | sun

eVe|sun is a plug-in used for shadow analysis with a slightly different approach. The plug-in enables you to set the sun position for any time interval and calculate shadows that multiple points|curves|surfaces throw on surfaces. Instead of standard ray-tracing method used for renderings it uses extrusions and intersection, thus enabling you to extract shadows and analyse its properties (position, length, area, etc...). This analysis can enable energy efficient and creative design.

It uses one Command (eve_sun) - one Dialog - see our manual for detailed instructions. You can download the plug-in also from our website: http://www.programmingarchitecture.com .

The plug-in is released under the Creative Commons license. Please give credit where credit is due. If you want to use it for commercial purposes you have to contact us first at eve@programmingarchitecture.com.

The plug-in does not come with an installer - it is a single Rhino plug-in file (.rhp). So just Drag & Drop it or install it from the Tools/Options/Plug-ins.

  • Check out the video that explains what is this all about.

We used these techniques to make an interesting software that calculates shadows for solar tracker thus enabling efficient design of solar power plants.

  • Visit as at http://www.programmingarchitecture.com and check out the projects we are working on now.

Give us your feedback and have fun with it!

Milos Dimcic


License Cost:
eve|sun beta
Rhino 4 for Win
Rhino 5 for Win
eve|sun 1.00 32bit
Rhino 4 for Win
Rhino 5 for Win
eve|sun 1.00 64 bit
Rhino 4 for Win
Rhino 5 for Win