eve | solar
(by Programming Architecture)
What if you can cover a free-form surface with solar roof panels...how would you incorporate maximum electrical efficiency in your design?
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eVe | solar

eVe|solar is a (test) plug-in used for panelization of flat or double-curved surfaces and a comparison, to see which one would be more efficient if covered in solar roof panels. It is a plug-in made in a very short time to make a point explained in this video:

And then watch the tutorial on how to use the plugin here (or below): https://youtu.be/KEzpuDRSXug

The plug-in uses one Command (eve_solar) and one Dialog. 

The plug-in is released under the Creative Commons license. Please give credit where credit is due. If you want to use it for commercial purposes you have to contact us first at eve@programmingarchitecture.com.

The plug-in does not come with an installer - it is a single Rhino plug-in file (.rhp). So just Drag & Drop it or install it from the Tools/Options/Plug-ins.

Visit us at http://www.programmingarchitecture.com and check out the projects we are working on now.

Give me your feedback and have fun with it! The point is to create a fast working tool and then think about how we can improve it and make it useful. In the next iteration, I will try to insert the "optimization" option, in which we will be able to test thousands or millions of surfaces in order to find the optimal one. 

Milos Dimcic


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eVe | solar
Rhino 5 for Win
Rhino 6 for Win