This is a Grasshopper Component based on our existing eVe | voronax plug-in for Rhino. The Component was developed in cooperation with Lorenzo Greco.
Voronax is a specific type of structure obtained when a Voronoi diagram is “relaxed” over a free-form surface. Voronax is developed by Milos Dimcic at the Stuttgart University in 2008 as a part of his PhD thesis. For explanations check out our videos and publications on our website.
You are getting four Voronax components. Two simple ones (with points and line output) and two with full cell information. This is all you need to know in order to use them:
VorX - generates Voronoi/Voronax/Delaunay structure over a surface/polysurface using existing points :
- Right click on the component - this allows you to choose which structure you want to generate: Voronoi / Voronax or Delaunay
- Connect a Brep to the component (surface or polysurface - trimmed or untrimmed)
- Connect points - you need minimum of 3 points per Brep face and the points have to be on your surface/polysurface
VorXRandom - generates Voronoi/Voronax structures over a surface/polysurface with randomly distributed points:
- Connect a Brep to the component (surface or polysurface - trimmed or untrimmed)
- Insert a number of random points manually or parametrically
- Right click on the component - this allows you to choose which structure you want to generate (Voronoi / Voronax) and how do you want to distribute random points. Proportional - distributes them proportionally to the area of brep faces. Random - generates the same number of points on all Brep faces. These settings make sense only when you are dealing with polysurfaces - with surfaces it makes no difference which one you choose.
VorX with Cells and VorxRandom with Cells
- The same as VorX and VorXRandom except that now you have a "Create Meshes" boolean input. By default it is FALSE. If you change it to TRUE cell meshes will be generated. (There is no cell calculation for Delaunay grids)
- As far as the output goes now you have 5 types of data:
- P - all intersection points of the Voronoi/Voronax diagram
- L - all single lines of the Voronoi/Voronax diagram
- C - an array of center points for all cells
- CP - an array of cell polylines (each cell is a closed polyline)
- M - if calculated, an array of cell "cover" meshes
These are early releases they might contain bugs and crash from time to time. The cell recognition algorithm is still in the experiment phase and it a) might not recognize all cells b) might lead to a crash. We are relying on you to test it and help us perfect the software.
Please, please, please, write to us on and send us images or video clips (Youtube/Vimeo links) of your projects with our plug-ins. We would like to make a collage of the projects, include them on our website and see how our software inspires your creativity! Give us your feedback and tell us what to add and how to improve it.
The plug-in is released under the Creative Commons license. Please give credit where credit is due. If you want to use it for commercial purposes you have to contact us first at
To install follow these 3 steps exactly and thorougly:
- In Grasshopper, choose File > Special Folders > Components folder. Save the gha and dll files there.
- Right-click the file > Properties > make sure there is no "blocked" text
- Restart Rhino and Grasshopper
For more information:
· Check out the video that explains what is this all about.
· Visit as at and check out the projects we are working on now.
Give us your feedback and have fun with it!
Milos Dimcic
- Category:
- License Type: