Rhino 6 Users Guide in English
(by Cécile Lamborot)

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The User's Guide includes tutorials and samples covering interface, basic commands, surfaces, solids, drafting, and image tracing.

Section 1: Working in 3-D

  • Introduction
  • Rhino Objects
  • Selecting Objects
  • Navigating Viewports
  • Accurate Modeling
  • Create Surfaces from Curves
  • Edit Curves and Surfaces
  • Transforms - Move, Copy, Rotate, Scale
  • Curve and Surface Analysis
  • Organization and Annotation
  • Render

Section 2: Tutorials

  • Pull Toy - Solids and Transforms
  • Flashlight - Revolve Curves
  • Headphone - Sweep, Loft, and Extrude
  • Penguin - Point Editing and Blending
  • Boat Hull - Loft and Sweep
  • Dragonfly - Trace Images
  • Wrap Text - Flow along surface
  • Mechanical Part - Blocks
  • Mechanical Part - Layouts
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