This is a set of three components that helps translate Earth coordinates into Rhino model coordinates. The frist step is to make sure an EarthAnchorPoint has been defined in the Rhino model. If not, use EarthAnchorPoint command to set it up. As a rule of thumb, the farther a supplied LAT/LONG coordinate is away from the EarthAnchorPoint, the less accurate its position is because of not only possible inaccuracies in setting up EarchAnchorPoint but also the fact that a globe is not flat like Rhino's XY plane. Also beware that if you change location in the Rhino sun settings, it would override the EarthAnchorPoint.
The latest version has moved the components to Vectors -> Points in the Grasshopper tabs. Extract the .gha in the bundle. The .ghpy is outdated as it does not handle units other than imperial. Also included in Earthworm is two solar vector related components. See here
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