After several years of daily use of Rhino and Grasshopper in my profession as a designer jeweler, I have created several libraries of tools that I have decided to share.
My goal is to teach how to use Grasshopper and AMAtools effectively in various projects related to our profession.
AMAtool needs several plugins:
To install AMAtool:
1. download the latest version of AMAtool.
2. right-click on the zip file and select Properties, then click on UnBlock (if it appears)
3. paste all the ghuser file in a single folder and rename it (ex. AMAtool_4.0)
4. store AMAtool_4.0 in C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Grasshopper\UserObjects
Several videos are in preparation they will present:
- how to sketch on paper an idea of jewel
- how to import the sketches in Rhino
- how to organize and prioritize the elements in AMAtool to parameterize it
Bernhard Muller
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Grasshopper for Rhino 8 for Win
Grasshopper for Rhino 8 for Win