Wind Comfort Prediction with Computational Fluid Dynamics
(by SimScale)

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With the complexity of modern urban areas, the pedestrian wind environment analysis becomes a critical factor in urban and building planning design, helping to ensure the overall well-being, safety, and comfort in pedestrian zones. During this webinar, you will learn the physical fundamentals of wind comfort, the related standards, and guidelines, as well as how to properly model terrain, atmosphere, and surroundings in order to create a simulation on your own.

The usage of fluid flow simulation (CFD) enables architects and engineers to predict and optimize the performance of buildings in the early stage of the design process. While simulation is already widely used in mechanical engineering, its adoption in architecture and construction is low, due to the lack of knowledge and affordable tools.

SimScale joined forces with McNeel and Vind-Vind to create a free online training about the application of simulation in AEC, tailored to the needs of architects and civil engineers. There is no prior knowledge or software required to join this free webinar. All participants will get free access to SimScale with all the required simulation features.

Learn more about the workshop:

SimScale is a 100% cloud-based simulation platform. Try CFD, FEA or Thermal Analysis by creating a free account:


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