Script for Automatic Building / Roof Creation 3D
(by Luca Maria Colombo)

Resource File

Support Email

This script will be free for the first week to gather as much feedback as possible. After that, it will become paid, as it took a lot of effort to develop.

The main purpose of the script is to quickly generate backgrounds for renderings. Starting from a flat, closed polyline (or multiple polylines), the script automatically creates buildings based on the polyline's shape.

These buildings can be customized individually or randomized, using adjustable minimum and maximum parameters.

Key Features

To fully understand the potential of this tool, I recommend watching my YouTube videos:

Video 1: A quick overview of the script's features.

Video 2: Demonstrates how fast and adaptive the script is.

Video 3: A detailed explanation of all functionalities and possibilities.

Customizable Parameters

Roof inclination

Roof offset

Number of floors

Floor height

Wall thickness

Slab height

Two window types, both customizable for:

Height, width, and distance from the floor level

Frame width and depth

Type 2 windows can also be randomly split into two parts.

You can apply these settings to each house individually or randomize them using a range of minimum and maximum values.

Updates and Support

Future updates are planned. If you're interested, please email me, and I’ll provide updates for free to those who purchase the script.

️ Note: While the script works well in 95% of cases, occasional errors might occur (due to software limitations, not the script itself). Unfortunately, attempts to fix these issues made the script too heavy, so I decided to prioritize performance.


Resource Type


Paid Resource: 


App Files
