Puppet 2103
(by kobpa)

Resource File

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Puppet 2103 - processing of models Artful 2D peasant https://dwg.ru/dnl/14881 for the Rhinoceros 7, 6, 5. The insertion is carried out by means of loading the file into Grasshopper. The controls are available in numeric and slider mode.

Puppet 2103 - переработка моделей Ловкий 2D мужичок https://dwg.ru/dnl/14881 для программы Rhinoceros 7, 6, 5. Вставка осуществляется по средствам загрузки файла в Grasshopper. Элементы управления доступны в числовом и ползунковом режиме.

In order to use the puppet, you need to run the program through the grasshopper.

The initial position can be determined by the assemblage point. To do this, set a point on the screen and assign it to the corresponding input data.

Upside down allows you to rotate the puppet relative to the assemblage point.

All other controls are for the angle of the body part. Restrictions were introduced for greater realism.




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