Here is link to my GitLab repository.
This is my Python scripts of custom Rhino commands.
The scripts run in Rhino 6 (not confirmed in Rhino 5 and Mac.)
Installation: Extract the zipped folder and place it in %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\6.0\Plug-ins\PythonPlugIns\ on your own computers and restart Rhino.
## [1.0.4] - 2020-06-12
## MoveSketchLayer ***Added***
## SlotCenter
## SlotCenterDist
![alt text](/images/SlotCenterDist.gif)
## SlotCorner
![alt text](/images/SlotCorner.gif)
## ChangeObjectColor
## GridSwitch
## HideLockedObjects
## ShowLockedObjects
## toggle_gumball_drag_mode
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