Last Foot Match
(by Kostika Spaho)

Resource File

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This Grasshopper definition allows users to create and modify intricate hexagonal patterns on 3D foot shapes. Ideal for designing custom footwear, insoles, or artistic representations of foot structures, the tool provides flexibility and precision in generating unique patterns.

Key Features:

Hexagonal Tiling: Generates adjustable hexagonal patterns that can be mapped onto the surface of a 3D foot model.

Parametric Control: Users can manipulate pattern density, hexagon size, and orientation to fit specific design requirements.

3D Mapping: Automatically adapts the 2D hexagonal grid to conform to the curved topology of the foot shape, ensuring a smooth, seamless design.

Customizable Zones: Allows for different pattern densities or hexagon sizes in specific areas of the foot (e.g., heel, arch, toes).

Interactive Adjustment: Sliders and input fields enable real-time design modifications, making the process intuitive and responsive.

Output Options: Exports the resulting geometry in a 3D-printable format or for use in CAD/CAM applications.

This tool is perfect for industrial designers, architects, or anyone interested in parametric design, providing a balance between creative freedom and functional design.


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