Godzilla V.10
(by masaakimiki)

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This is a new version of Godzilla, a NURBS-based form-finding tool for shell structures that can properly handle mixed tension-compression stress states.

We welcome your donation to this project.

-History of Changes-

  • 2024/05/08 The user manual has been updated. Many slides describing the details of parameters and text instructions have been added.

After downloading the package, please check if "KingOfMonsters.dll" is not blocked by clicking the "Property" in the right-click menu. If you see the "unblock" checkbox, it is blocked. In that case, just check it and close the dialog.

If you have once downloaded an older version, please locate KingOfMonsters.dll in the old package and delete it. The KingOfMonsters.dll included in this package is a brand-new one, and the C# nodes must reference the new one.

There are a few new functions.

  1. An optional curvature-stress alignment condition can be activated.
  2. Simple inequalities, such as the pure-compression condition, can be activated.

Using these options, the results are useful for both continuum shells and gird shells. Code for curve tracing of simultaneous stress-aligned and curvature-aligned grids is also included. The obtained grid gives a bending-free grid shell that can be covered with planar quadrilateral glass panels. The package also includes a user manual (pdf).

The example definitions are tested with Rhino 7, Grasshopper, Windows 11 Pro. The following two items are required to run the code.

  1. Cuda-enabled Nvidia GPU
  2. Cuda toolkit Library 12.x. (The user must install this library on their own)

Another dependency is KingOfMonsters.dll, a library that provides a highly optimized solver written in C++. While a precompiled DLL is included in the package, its source code can be accessed here: https://github.com/mikity-mikity/KingOfMonsters. All other codes are embedded in C# nodes (plus some support functions embedded in Python nodes).

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