Design Gold
(by DesignGold)

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  • Being jewelers ourselves, we understand the need for software which approaches design from a bench jeweler's mindset. That is why we've created an updated CAD software with tools that are fully focused on jewelry creation. We have made it easy to create gems, shanks, settings, and more, helping you design as efficiently as possible
  • Intuitive builders - freedom of choice Simple Surface Molding and Easy Edit Surface Control points
    Our builders create the geometry you need to get your project done quickly. Builders offer the ability to control the objects in multiple ways. If you are a keyboard person, you might prefer the command line options. If you prefer to work right in the viewport, then handles are the way

  • Simple Surface Molding Easy Convert to SubD
    If organic designs are your signature, DesignGold's Simple Surface Molding Easy Convert to SubD is the instrument for you. Rhio Integrate SubD gives jewelers the tools to build beautifully and uniquely structured custom designs. Animals, flowers — you name it — are not match for SubD .



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App Files
