(by chris-hex)

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Generative Design in BricsCAD® BIM

Unleash the power of free-form modeling capabilities. Explore parametric design variants with Rhino’s Grasshopper through BricsCAD BIM, a strong .dwg based BIM platform. Welcome to Rhino.Inside® for BricsCAD BIM.

Rhino creates NURBS geometry, and Grasshopper adds scriptable parametric controls that can drive that geometry. This combination of tools allows the iterative, algorithmic design of CAD and BIM geometry.

It lets you experience design freedom with a 3D workflow, not limited by pre-defined parts or libraries components. Use intuitive push-pull direct modeling to sculpt your mass-model concept. Your model remains light and responsive, because it’s not over-loaded or over-constrained.

Transform your free-from or generative design into a Building Information Model with the click of a button, or within your Grasshopper script.

Extend your BricsCAD BIM AI-powered workflow with generative design and free-form modeling. 



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