ykTools is a small set of components which extend Grasshopper's ability to help some tiresome works.
ykTools v2.03
- crvOverkill(RH)
It can detect and delete overlapped, duplicate Curves with Setting of Tolerance
While remove it will leave the longest Curve from overlapped/duplicated Curves
It only works with Rhino Curves (For GH Curves which not yet baked, can not be used)
- crvOverkill(GH)
It will dispatch overlapped, duplicated Curves for Grasshopper Objects.
- crvExtend
with this component you can extend Curve with Boundary Objects.
As Type of Extend you can choose "by Line" oder "by Arc"
- rhCommand
with rhCMD you can run Rhino Command from Grasshopper
in new Version will rhCMD return true/false after running.
you can use returned boolean as trigger for another component. (ex. Excel Export)
You can assign Delay Timer in Second for Boolean Result (Default is 0 sec)
- xlExport(R)
xlExport will export Data to excel as row after row.
(You MUST first launch your excel before export)
a. one Tree Brach equals one Row
b. the items in one Tree Branch will be exported to column in that row.
c. you can merge Trees, that has different number of items with xlMerge.
d. all merged trees must have same number of branches and Path Structures.
You can use xlExport with StreamFilter Component and more with HoopSnake! (see Example)
You can assign Delay Timer in Second for Boolean Result (Default is 0 sec)
- xlMerge(R)
It is for xlExport(R).
This Component will merge trees, with Padding
Tree Renumber function(S) is newly added.
If true, Tree Branches will be forced to be renumber.
for detail please see the Examples in zip file :)
- xlExport(C)
This is way of usual excel export.
It will export data column after column
You can assign Delay Timer in Second for Boolean Result (Default is 0 sec)
- xlMerge(C)
Merge Component for xlExport(C).
Every Input will be forced to be flatten and be renumbered
- App
App Component can launch extern Application.
It will return launch result as boolean value.
This Value can be used as trigger for another Component
- Zoom/ZoomEX
With Zoom/ZoomEX Component you can zoom GH/RH Geometries.
Zoom will receive many Lists and will select one of those Lists.
It will zoom all objects in the selected List.
ZoomEX receives one Tree as Input. To Select Branch, you can use Index of Branch(I) or Path of the Tree(P). (to use Path, set S to 1)
ZoomEX can zoom either all objects or just one object in the selected Branch.
If you assign -1 to i, ZoomEX will zoom all objects in the Branch, otherwise zoomEX will zoom the one object of the selected index(i) in the selected Branch(I or P).
- Null Creator
Null Creator will create "null" Items(s) after your Setting.
If can create null(s) with number, that you assigned,
or can create null(s) after Tree Structure (Branches or Branches + Items)
To install:
1. In Grasshopper, choose File > Special Folders > Components folder. Save the gha files there.
2. Right-click the file > Properties > make sure there is no "blocked" text
3. Restart Rhino and Grasshopper
4. You will find the Components under "Extra" Tab
- y.KWON
- License Type: