(by Wallacei)
Wallacei is an evolutionary multi-objective optimization engine for Grasshopper 3D - Giving users full control over their evolutionary simulations.
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Wallacei (which includes Wallacei Analytics and Wallacei X) is an evolutionary multi-objective optimization engine that allows users to run evolutionary simulations in Grasshopper 3D through utilising highly detailed analytic tools coupled with various comprehensive selection methods, including algorithmic clustering, to assist users to better understand their evolutionary runs, and make more informed decisions at all stages of their evolutionary simulations; including setting up the design problem, analysing the outputted results and selecting the desired solution or solutions for the final output. Wallacei also provides users with the ability to select, reconstruct and output any phenotype from the population after completing their simulation.

The free plugin is streamlined to give users efficient access to the data outputted by their evolutionary simulations, and enable clear and efficient methods for analysis and selection – The aim is for users (of all degrees of expertise) to better understand their evolutionary simulations, gain a thorough understanding of the outputted numeric values, and seamlessly extract the optimised data; all within one user interface.

Wallacei X employs the NSGA-2 algorithm (Deb et. al., 2001) as the primary evolutionary algorithm, and utilises the K-means method as the clustering algorithm. Additionally, Wallacei X incorporates the JMetal, LiveCharts and HelixToolkit libraries.

Wallacei is founded on the research conducted by Mohammed Makki during his Doctoral studies at the Architectural Association under the directorship of Dr. Michael Weinstock; and has been developed by Dr Mohammed Makki, Dr Milad Showkatbakhsh and Yutao Song.

Wallacei is designed for Rhino 6 and 7.

To learn more about Wallacei, and gain access to video tutorials and the ‘Wallacei Primer’, please visit: https://www.wallacei.com/


For instructions on installing Grasshopper Add-Ons, please see FAQ for details.
Wallacei V 2.7 (17 April 2022) - RHINO 7 & 8
Grasshopper for Rhino 8 for Win
Wallacei V 2.7 (17 April 2022) - RHINO 6
Grasshopper for Rhino 6 for Win
Wallacei V 2.65 (29 April 2021) - RHINO 7 & 8
Grasshopper for Rhino 8 for Win
Wallacei V2.65 (29 April 2021) - RHINO 6
Grasshopper for Rhino 6 for Win
Wallacei V2.65 (29 April 2021) - RHINO 5
Grasshopper for Rhino 4 & 5 for Win