(by armin.rigo)
Use VR Sketch to quickly view your 3D models in virtual reality
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Use VR Sketch to quickly view your 3D models in virtual reality.

  • Supports tethered PC VR: SteamVR (HTC Vive, Valve Index, Rift, Pico Neo 3, etc.) or Oculus Link (Quest 2/3/Pro)
  • Or you can send to a standalone headset: Quest 2/3/Pro or Pico Neo 3.
  • Developed with Rhino 7 for Windows, but appears to work on Rhino 8, as well as (with standalone headsets) on Mac.

For the standalone headsets only: you need to install the native app on the headset; make sure you have VR Sketch version 20 (or later) for Quest 2/3/Pro or Pico Neo 3 from our web site.

Alternate installation from Rhino 7 or 8: if the link below doesn't work in your browser, you can open Rhino and go to the "Tools" menu, "Package Manager..." and type "vrsketch".

New in 0.20.0: layers should now be correctly sent to VR or skipped when hidden.
New in 0.19.3: fix Rhino crashing after you close VR and try to edit more.
New in 0.19.2: live updates from the Rhino model are sent over to VR.

This plugin is a beta version. It sends the model to VR and keeps it updated if you make changes (in most cases---there might be bugs that mean some specific changes don't get updated in VR).  There is no editing directly in VR.  It is still an interesting way to look at and walk around your models and to quickly review adjustments you make.  VR Sketch is originally a tool for Sketchup; this plugin is a Rhino port with the same highly-optimized rendering techniques that can handle very large models.

Future short-term plans include supporting multiuser modes (viewing the same model with multiple people in VR).  In the longer term, we might try to give the VR user some editing capabilities.  This would be more difficult in Rhino than in Sketchup, however: in Sketchup, a much smaller selection of tools is enough to work.

Feedback or discussions are welcome in our forum or by mail.

License Cost:
VRSketchRhino 0.20.2
Use VR Sketch to quickly view your 3D models in virtual reality
Rhino 7 Mac
Rhino 7 Win