Table Mapper
(by kkanano)
Toolset for managing table data in Grasshopper.
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Table Mapper is an toolset for managing data in table format in Grasshopper.

This toolset is built using Rhino 8 C# components and distributed as UserObjects, allowing complete customization to suit your specific needs. This toolset does not support Mac as it was developed using WinForms.

Included Components

  • Table Mapper - Input table data, convert it into a data tree, and store the result in a canvas panel.
  • Table Mapper CSV - Input table data, convert it into a data tree, and save the result as a CSV file.
  • Get Item - Retrieve the value from column 2 corresponding to the parameter name in column 1 of the table.
  • Set Param Name - Select a parameter name from all available tables.
  • Set Table Name - Select a table name from the tables in your document.
  • Manage Table - Launch TableManager to review table contents, copy paths, or delete entries effortlessly.

Key Features

  • It allows users to input data in table format, which is then converted into a Tree structure for output.
  • The table data can either be saved within the GH document or exported as a CSV file for external use.
  • Data can be easily copied and pasted from spreadsheet software such as Excel.
  • Parameters within the tables can be retrieved remotely by input the parameter name using Get Item component.

Getting Started

  1. Unzip the ZIP file.
  2. Save the contents to Grasshopper's File > Special Folders > User Object Folder. (Ensure that the "Unblock" option under Properties > Security is checked)
  3. Restart Rhino.
  • License Type:
For instructions on installing Grasshopper Add-Ons, please see FAQ for details.
Table Mapper
Grasshopper for Rhino 8 for Win