1) Use the command SpotCoordinate to create spot coordinate annotations
2) The tool translates x and y modelspace values into Easting and Northing values to generate spot coordinate annotations. This means that your drawing/model must be geolocated in modelspace for the tool to generate accurate spot coordinate annotations.
We have tested the tool using Ordinance Survey data aligned to the UK National Grid. Feedback from users testing the tool in other geographical areas is welcomed. There is not currently an option to set a user-defined survey datum. This is something we can add to future versions of the tool if there is demand.
3) Annotations generated by the tool are comprised of the following components:
i) A ⊗ symbol indicating the precise location of the spot coordinate
ii) Easting and Northing values
iii) a line linking (i) and (ii)
For convenience these components are grouped when the Spot Coordinate is created.
4) The following parameters can be set through the command line when creating a Spot Coordinate annotation:
i) Symbol Radius - sets the radius of the ⊗ symbol in model units
ii) Text Height - sets the text height of the Easting and Northing values in model units
iii) Accuracy - sets the number of decimal places to which Easting and Northing values are shown. In most cases we imagine an accuracy of 0, 1 or 2 decimal places will be required (i.e. accuracy to 1m, 0.1m or 0.01m when model units are m).
5) Spot Coordinate annotations can be created at any z value. This helps ensure that Spot Coordinate annotations will be visible in plan view - e.g. not hidden under topographical surfaces.
6) The tool includes custom move and copy commands for moving and copying Spot Coordinate annotations. These commands are SpotMove and SpotCopy. Spot Coordinate annotations moved/copied with these commands will automatically update Easting and Northing values.
NB: moved/copied Spot Coordinate annotations will only automatically update using SpotMove and SpotCopy. Easting and Northing values will not update when moving or copying Spot Coordinate annotations with standard move and copy commands, using the gumball or by dragging. Moving or copying Spot Coordinate annotations using any of these methods will produce inaccurate Spot Coordinate annotations.
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