SpiderWeb is a .NET library providing functionality for preforming calculations on graphs. The library is created with a special focuse on the integration of graphs and graph related theroies (e.g. SpaceSyntax) in parametric design envoirnments. Therefore special Versions are avalible for:
DesignScript (planned)
Any feedback, questions or critic is welcomed.
General introduction into graph theory
Documentation and samples
.NET documentation for SpiderWebLibrary.dll and GH_SpiderWebLibrary.dll (SpiderWeb 4.1)
SpiderWeb4.1->SpiderWeb4.2 Grasshopper3d Components
Added eigenDecomposition Components
Added Clustering Components
Added graphStyle Components
Fixed Random Graph Coloring Error
Changed a lot of Inputs and Outputs of Components
.NET Library Changes
- Class GH_graphStyle added to GH_SpiderWebLibrary.GH_graphRepresentaions Namespace
- MustInherit Class agglomerativeClustering added to SpiderWebLibrary.clustering
- Added different agglomerativeClustering Supclasses
- MustInherit Class distanceClustering added to SpiderWebLibrary.clustering
- Added different distanceClustering Supclasses
- Class graphMatrix added to SpiderWebLibrary.graphRepresentaions
- Class GH_graphMatrix added to GH_SpiderWebLibrary.GH_graphRepresentaions
- Class spectralGraphMatrix added to SpiderWebLibrary.graphTools
SpiderWeb4.0->SpiderWeb4.1 Grasshopper3d Components
Added visualGraph Components:
- visualGraph Parameter -> can be converted to a graphVertexList / graphEdgeList
- visualGraphGrid
- displayVisualGraph
- recursiveShadowCasting
Added Manipulation components:
- split
- findEdges
.NET Library Changes
Class visualGraph added to SpiderWebLibrary.graphRepresentaions Namespace
Class GH_visualGraph added to GH_SpiderWebLibrary.GH_graphRepresentaions Namespace
Interface SearchGraph replaced through a Class SearchGraph in SpiderWebLibrary.graphTools Namespace
Changes to all Classes that implenented the SearchGraph Interface
- Category:
- License Type: