(by raojianfreedom)
Spheniscidae is a GH Plugin for automatic generation of residential buildings according to site boundaries and indexes such as FAR, D, Height.
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Spheniscidae is a Grasshopper Plugin for automatic generation of residential buildings according to site boundaries and indexes such as FAR, D, Height. The generation function requires several inputs such as street block boundary, building unit information and indexes in regulations. The plugin also includes functions to import/export data into csv file for manual control.
Spheniscidae consists of 16 batteries divided into 4 subcategories, which are Blocks, Building Unit, Penguin and Util.
1.Blocks batteries deal with import/export functions of street blocks’ boundaries and indexes data.
2.Building Unit batteries deal with import/export/display/select functions of building units data.
3.Penguin batteries are three main batteries for automatic generation function with FAR & D and FAR & H or dual units generation.
4.Util batteries help check or export generated results.
To install Spheniscidae in Grasshopper, just copy the folder that contain .ghpy files to the Libraries folder of Grasshopper.
You can access the folder through Grasshopper’s File/Special Folders/Components Folder.
Spheniscidae is written in ghpython in Grasshopper and compiled into ghpy in Rhino 6 version. Rhino 5 may not support .ghpy files.

For instructions on installing Grasshopper Add-Ons, please see FAQ for details.
Spheniscidae 0.5.16
Grasshopper for Rhino 6 for Win