Simple LIst
(by SWLyon)
Simple List uses text and excel files to build 3d lists in Rhino. These lists of words and points can help annotate your designs and creations.
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The Simple List plug-in runs from the command line and can be controlled by the Quick List panel. The order of commands and panel selections that works best for most people are:

  1. slBuild; will ask for the file you want to use and will select or create layers, annotation styles and layouts.
  2. Panel Find; will find lists you have created and list the command history for the session.
  3. Panel Help; to help get you started using the plug-in.
  4. slClear; Clears the plug-in defaults and any changes you have made to them.

System Requirements

  • Rhino Version 7
  • Windows 10
  • .NET Framework 4.8
  • Comments and commands are written in English
  • AsaSimpleList.rhp Plug-In placed in your Rhino plug-in folder

Microsoft Excel if you plan on using work sheets to crate your list.

  • .xlsx OpenXml 2007 and newer
  • .xlsb OpenXml 2007 and newer
  • .xls 97, 2000, XP, 2003

New Features:

  • List search for items using first letter key values and/or regular expressions. This allows you to perform dynamic searches and has the option of replacing items that are found.
  • Rhino list to new text file. This allows you to download lists found in Rhino to a common text file for distribution or alteration in Excel or any other text editor.

Future Features:

  • + Let me know the story you need to implement that will help get you out to play;)


Rhino 7 for Win