Parametric Ship Structural Design
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SEANAPTIC V7.4 is a plug-in for Rhino that allows naval architects to model parametric ship structures with extreme efficiency.

Export to ANSYS for superb mesh quality and direct transfer of thicknesses, materials and beams cross sections.

Direct export to ShipConstructor available through the Accelerator for ShipConstructor module.

Seanaptic offers Bill of Materials, Class Drawings, 3D Weight Management of all components on board for weight tracking and space assessment, Block Division and many more modelling features.

Thanks to the advanced automation algorithms and the presence of the 3D model next to the 2D drawings, the modelling process is highly accelerated.

Data such as weight and center of gravity are permanently available and updated live as the model is being built.

 The modelling time is similar to scaling methods, thus offering an ideal alternative when similar vessel data is not available. Results from a 3D model can now be obtained very early during the concept phase, rather than during basic design.

​The model can be further exported to other specialized software for detailed engineering, class drawings, weight distribution and tracking, FEM analysis, etc. 

Though specialized for marine design, SEANAPTIC is adaptable to any other industry where parametric modelling and object weight tracking is necessary.

 A free 90 days evaluation can be requested on website, please note that anonymous requests are not responded. 

Universities can receive a free bundle of 30 network licences and their students are eligible for a free license.

Check out our website and get in touch with us for more details! 

License Cost:
Seanaptic installation files
Rhino 6 for Win
Rhino 7 for Win