(by Scorpion)
  Scorpion is an open source robotic controller for Industrial Robots currently in beta. Scorpion contains tools to control u
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Scorpion is an open source robotic controller for Industrial Robots currently in beta.

Scorpion contains tools to control universal robots industrial robots, Including

Easy generation of robotic programs from paths

Inverse kinematic solver for universal robots

Direct upload to the robots through TCP/IP

End-effector Tools

New in version 0.2

Feedback components (to read back the robot statues in real time)

Ability to switch between "pose" (more accurate) and "servo rotation" programs.

The tool was created and developed in the AAC “adaptive architecture and computation course, Bartlett school of architecture, UCL, London.

Core Developers:

Khaled ElAshry - Vincent Huyghe - Ruairi Glynn



Prof Sean Hanna,  DongHan Shin, Olivier Roulet and the bartlett CADCAM team.



You will need to install ghPython first please refer to this link


Then  copy the set of  clusters from the scorpion/userObjects to your user objects folder (usually C:\Users\(UserName)\AppData\Roaming\Grasshopper\UserObjects).

Use the example file as a start palette for your project

Tutorial videos coming soon

The tools are open source and can be directly accessed as clusters from grasshopper. Use at you own risk

For more information and related publications visit


Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

License Cost:
For instructions on installing Grasshopper Add-Ons, please see FAQ for details.
Scorpion 0.2
Grasshopper for Rhino 4 & 5 for Win