(by Block Research Group)
RhinoVAULT 2 is an open-source research and development platform for funicular form-finding built with the COMPAS framework.
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RhinoVAULT 2 (RV2) is an open-source research and development platform for funicular form-finding built with COMPAS, a Python-based framework for computational research and collaboration in Architecture, Engineering, and Digital Fabrication. 

RV2 is based on the theory of Thrust Network Analysis (TNA) approach to intuitively create and explore compression-only structures. Using reciprocal diagrams, RV2 provides an intuitive, fast funicular form-finding method, adopting the same advantages of techniques such as Graphic Statics, but offering a viable extension to three-dimensional problems. Our goal is to share a transparent setup to let you not only create beautiful shapes but also to give you an understanding of the underlying structural principles.

RV2 is a Rhino plugin that replaces RhinoVAULT for Rhino versions 6 and above. Unlike RhinoVAULT, RV2 no longer relies on Rhino for its computational implementation. Instead, it is built entirely with open source packages from the COMPAS ecosystem and will, therefore, be available not only for Rhino and Grasshopper, but also for Blender and other tools with a Python scripting interface, and ultimately even in the browser.

The development of RV2 is currently supported by the Block Research Group at ETH Zurich. It is shared freely in the hope that you will enjoy it and use it for original and creative work. It can be freely shared and used for academic and commercial purposes, but with proper attribution. If you use RV2, please refer to the RV2 GitHub repository:

    title = {{rhinoVAULT 2}: Funicular Form Finding for Rhinoceros 6+},
    author = {Block Research Group},
    year = {2020},
    doi = {},
    url = {https://github.com/BlockResearchGroup/compas-RV2},

Full online documentation and user manual of RV2 can be found here. For questions, comments and suggestions, please use the RV2 issue tracker

Happy Form Finding!  

Block Research Group

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RV2 releases
Rhino 6 for Win
Rhino 7 for Win
Rhino 6 Mac
Rhino 7 Mac
Also by Block Research Group