Robot Components
(by Robot Components)
A Grasshopper plugin for intuitive robot programming
Support Email

Robot Components is a plugin for intuitive robot programming for ABB robots. Robot Components offers a wide set of tools to create tool paths, simulate robotic motion, and generate RAPID code within Grasshopper. Some of the main features include:


  • 40+ predefined ABB robot models
  • Possibility to add your own robot models
  • Support for external axes (both linear and rotational)
  • Possibility to define customs strategies for all external axis values
  • Support for work objects (including movable work objects)
  • Efficient forward and inverse kinematics solvers
  • Possibility to add your own custom code lines
  • Real-time connection with IRC5 and OmniCore controllers
  • Open API to develop your custom components using either Python or C#

This open-source project was initiated by the chair of Experimental and Digital Design and Construction at the University of Kassel. The plugin is currently further developed and maintained by Arjen Deetman. All developers and contributors are listed here.

In case you want to use the components from the controller utility section to establish a real-time connection with the controller, you have to install Robot Studio or the latest ABB PC SDK (ABB Robot Communication Runtime 2024.1). Note that, the components of the controller utility section only function on Windows since ABB doesn't support Mac. 

Documentation website:
API documentation:
Source code and release notes:
Zenodo DOI for references:

For instructions on installing Grasshopper Add-Ons, please see FAQ for details.
Robot-Components 3.2.0
A Grasshopper plugin for intuitive robot programming.
Rhino 7 Mac
Rhino 7 Win
Rhino 8 Mac
Rhino 8 Win
Exampe files v3.2.0
Grasshopper for Rhino 7 for Win
Grasshopper for Rhino 8 for Win
Grasshopper for Rhino 7 Mac
Grasshopper for Rhino 8 Mac
ABB Robot Communication Runtime 2024.1
Grasshopper for Rhino 7 for Win
Grasshopper for Rhino 8 for Win
Robot Components v2.2.2
Grasshopper for Rhino 6 for Win
Example files v2.2.2
Grasshopper for Rhino 6 for Win
ABB Robot Communication Runtime 2022.3
Grasshopper for Rhino 6 for Win
Robot Components v1.5.1
Grasshopper for Rhino 4 & 5 for Win
Example files v1.5.1
Grasshopper for Rhino 4 & 5 for Win
ABB Robot Communication Runtime 7.0
Grasshopper for Rhino 4 & 5 for Win