RoadCreator for Rhino is a plugin for Rhinoceros software, it allows generation of 3D models for road infrastructure in NURBS representation in accordance with Czech Standard ČSN 73 6101. With this plugin, it is posible to generate 3D road models that are embedded into the terrain and make it possible to create basic design documentation for the roads automatically. The plugin also contains features for automatic creation of security devices, inserting the traffic signs and for landscape modeling.This plugin was created in a master thesis on CTU Faculty of transportation sciences. RoadCreator is focus on creating road infrastracture scenes for vehicle simulator, but plugin can be use for simple project documentation or visualisation as well.
The plug-in contains 54 functions for generating scenes with road infrastructure. Functions are divided in 5 groups.
Road 2D: Contour lines, horizontal alignment, transition curves, longitudinal section, vertical alignment, cross sections…
Road 3D Surface of road, road side ditch…
Accessories: Rail-guards, traffic signs, bollards…
Nature: Trees, forests, grass…
City: Intersections, roundabouts, pavements, crosswalks…
DEMO Version
DEMO version contains functions for road generations, but some of the functions are limited.
Version 2
Last year was the plugin tested and were searched for bugs and errors. Now is developing new version of the plugin which should be able to create road infrastructure faster and remove bugs and errors. Also new version should be able to create complete project documentation and generate more complicated intersections.
- License Type:
Rhino 5 for Win
Rhino 6 for Win