(by Dale Fugier)
The RhinoPolyhedra plug-in for Rhino allow you to create over 650 different polyhedral shapes.
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RhinoPolyhedra for Rhino will allow you to create and visualize a variety of polyhedral shapes; over 650 different shapes.

If you are using either Rhino 8 or Rhino 7, use Rhino's PackageManager command to install the latest version!

RhinoPolyhedra has these Rhino commands and Grasshopper components:

  • Polyhedron - Creates a variety of polyhedra; over 650 different shapes.
  • MeshIcoSphere - Create a mesh icosphere, which is a a refined icosahedron.
  • MeshTriangleSphere - Creates a geodesic mesh of triangles.
  • MeshQuadSphere - Creates a mesh quad sphere, which is a refined cube.
  • PolarZonohedron. Creates a polar zonohedron, which is a convex zonohedron derived from the star which joins opposite vertices of any right n-gonal prism (for n even) or antiprism (for n odd). The faces of this zonohedron consist of n equal rhombs surrounding one vertex, n rhombs beyond these, and so on, giving n-1 sets of n rhombs altogether that end with those surrounding the opposite vertex.
  • QuickHull - Creates a convex hull from selected points using the QuickHull algorithm.
  • Waterman - Creates a Waterman polyhedron, which is created by packing spheres, according to cubic close packing (CCP), then sweeping away the spheres that are farther from the center than a defined radius, then creating the convex hull of the resulting pack of spheres. 

RhinoPolyhedra is free!


  • If you are using either Rhino 8 or Rhino 7, use Rhino's PackageManager command
  • If you are using Rhino 6 or Rhino 5 for Windows, download the plug-in (below).
  • Download is in Rhino for Windows Installer file (.RHI) form on Windows.
  • Download is in Rhino for Mac Installer file (.MACRHI) form on Mac.
  • Double-click in the file to launch the Rhino Installer and install the plug-in.
For instructions on installing Grasshopper Add-Ons, please see FAQ for details.
Version 6.0.6863 (Windows)
Grasshopper for Rhino 6 for Win
Rhino 6 for Win
Version 6.0.6863 (Mac)
Grasshopper for Rhino 6 Mac
Rhino 6 Mac
Version 5 (Windows)
Rhino 5 for Win