(by Ehsan Mokhtari)
Rhino Plus is a plug-in developed by Ehsan Mokhtary (Ehsan Mokhtari) that gives more commands in Rhino for easy use.
Purchase Activation codes for premium commands
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Rhino Plus is a plug-in that gives more commands in Rhino for easy use.


   ########### For Contacting me you can Email to: Ehsan0921@gmail.com #############

The commands Are:


PanelAutoDimension:(Premium command+Trial) This command is useful for AutoDimensioning the Panel with Generating the CSV Excel file.

BlockManagementPlus: It can give you the option to categorize your Blocks in a file by the colon Character "::". for example Door::TwoSideDoor will show as Door then next category as TwoSideDoor.

CompareTowObjects: This command will check if two objects are the same and identical or not.

CurveLengthFilter: It can give you the option to select curves by the specific length

GetID: It will show you the coordination data of a point as X Y Z

AddID: It will add the coordination data of a point as X Y Z to your drawing

GetIDPrecision: You can adjust the Decimal of the GetID command with this command 

IsPlanar: Show you whether a surface is planar or not

MultipleAlignedDim: It will help you to Dimension multiple lines at once.

RotateReference: This command helps you to rotate 3D and 2D with a Reference angle

SelAnnotationStylesFilter: This command helps you to select Annotation by their style

ImportCSV: Importing CSV excel file to your Rhino as Text

GenerateBarcode: This command can add Barcode to your drawing as an image.

CompareTwoObjects: This command will check if two objects are identical or not.

ChangeLayers: This command will change multiple objects layers to different layers

SelectSubLayersObject: It will let you select different Layer's objects by their name

ImportFBXfileClean: This command bring the FBX file to your Rhino more cleaner than usual method.

ExplodeBlockKeepBlockName: This command will explode the blocks but keep the block name as Keys so later you can use them for reblocking 

ExportByKeyValue: Exporting multiple files and name the files as KeyValues of each object

GroupNameToKeyValue: Adding the group name to KeyValue

InsertKeyValueFromCSV: Adding new key value to objects from a csv file

KeyValueToIFCParameter: Using the VisualARQ plugin for adding the KeyValue of objects as IFC parameters




let me know if you have any questions.

Ehsan Mokhtari


License Cost:
Rhino Plus V0.6.0
Rhino 7 for Win
Rhino Plus V0.5.1
Rhino 7 for Win
Rhino Plus V0.4.0
Rhino 7 for Win
Rhino Plus V0.3.1
Rhino 7 for Win
Rhino Plus V0.2.2
Rhino 7 for Win
Rhino Plus V0.2.1
Rhino 7 for Win
Rhino Plus V0.1.0
Rhino 7 for Win
Also by Ehsan Mokhtari