Rhino Open Projects
(by gianpaolo.savio)
  Rhino Open Projects is a collection of tools for Rhino V developed for research projects by the Laboratory of Design Tools and Methods in In
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Rhino Open Projects is a collection of tools for Rhino V developed for research projects by the Laboratory of Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering (Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Padova). These projects cover a variety of topics such as biomedical (including dental), veterinary sciences, reverse engineering, rapid prototyping, cultural heritage, the geometric products specification, the naval field, ophthalmic optics and others.

The Rhino Open Projects tools are available to users in order to allow their use and improvement for academic and commercial purposes. Currently there are 4 projects available:

- AdvMesh which allows mesh operations such as curvature computation, mesh-mesh distance visualization, principal axes of inertia representation, mesh-mesh registration, symmetry plane estimation, quadratic fitting of a set of points calculation, noise addition, vertices or faces addition or removal, connected vertices selection and self-intersection identification,

- AdvSurf to estimate the lines of curvature of a surface,

- LensDesign developed for progressive addition lens design, analysis and data exchange for manufacturing process.

- DogFemur developed for morphological and clinical parameters computation in dog femur based on mesh processing.

Rhino Open Projects requires no installation:

- simply download, unzip the file RhinoOpenSourceCode.zip and put it in the folder C:\

- from the folder C:\RhinoOpenSourceCode drag and drop the toolbars in Rhino.

More information about the use of tools is available at the web site Rhino Open Projects. If you use these tools in your research project please cite the authors and the relevant papers. These projects have been tested, but it is the second release and it might still contain bugs.

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