(by Lior.Skoury)
RabbitMQ GH is a Grasshopper plugin that implements RabbitMQ messaging capabilities to exchange data between external applications and Grasshopper scripts in real time.
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RabbitMQ GH is a Grasshopper plugin that implements RabbitMQ messaging capabilities to exchange data between external applications and Grasshopper scripts in real-time, with a high degree of flexibility and scalability.



In order to run RabbitMQ locally, you will need to install it on your system. For more information about the installation process and general information about the plugin, please visit Our GitHub repository 

The RabbitMQ GH plugin allows you to communicate between multiple Grasshopper scripts or between Grasshopper and other programs. 

Example files covering several use patterns for Grasshopper, Python, and C# are located in the Tutorials folder.

The patterns include:

  • Basic consumer
  • Competing consumers
  • Publisher-subscriber
  • Request-reply
  • Basic routing
  • Topic routing

For more details about the tutorial files, please refer to the Example files instruction

The RabbitMQ_GH source code has been published in the University of Stuttgart's research data repository.

How to cite:

L. Skoury and T. Wortmann, “Multi-protocol Messaging and Streaming Broker for Grasshopper (RabbitMQ_GH).” DaRUS, 2024. doi: 10.18419/darus-4193.

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For instructions on installing Grasshopper Add-Ons, please see FAQ for details.
RabbitMQ_GH 0.0.3
RabbitMQ GH is a Grasshopper plugin that implements RabbitMQ messaging capabilities to exchange data between external applications and Grasshopper scripts in real time.
Rhino 7 Win
Grasshopper for Rhino 7 for Win