Quartely updated data converters for Rhino
Datakit plug-in facilitates interoperability and allows the import and export of native or standard CAD files formats
Opt for efficiency to:
- Import CAD files of the following formats:
- ACIS (.sat .asat .sab)
- CATIA V4 (.model .dlv .dlv3 .exp .session)
- CATIA V5 (.CATPart .CATProduct)
- CATIA V6 / 3DEXPERIENCE (.3dxml)
- CGR (.cgr)
- Creo View (.ol .ed .edz .pvs .pvz)
- Inventor (.ipt .iam)
- IFC (.ifc .ifcxml .ifczip)
- Fusion 360 (.f3d)
- JT (.jt)
- Navisworks (.nwd)
- Parasolid (.x_t .x_b .xmt_txt .xmt_bin)
- PLMXML (.plmxml)
- ProE / Creo Parametric (.prt .prt.* .xpr .asm .asm.* .xas)
- Revit (.rvt .rfa)
- Solid Edge (.par .psm .asm)
- UG NX (.prt)
- Export CAD files in the following formats:
- CATIA V4 (.model)
- CATIA V5 (.CATPart .CATProduct)
- CGR (.cgr)
- FBX(.fbx)
- glTF (.gltf, .bin, .glb)
- JT (.jt)
- Parasolid (.x_t .x_b)
- 3DPDF (.pdf)
- NX (.prt)
- SOLIDWORKS (.sldprt .sldasm)
Reliable and complete conversions:
- Translates all 3D data.
- Does NOT require licenses of other CAD software.
- Supports parts & assemblies.
- Imports the assembly tree as layers in Rhino.
- Data can be filtered based on Entity Type, Visibility and Layer.
- Supports layer filter.
- Supports textures.
- Allows you to choose axis placement.
- Convert the graphical presentation of PMI (Product Manufacturing Information).
- Allows you to sew surfacic entities.
Configuraton options to meet your needs.
Quartely updates = perfect comatibility with the latest versions of Cad software
More technical details for each import and export converters are available here: https://www.datakit.com/en/conversion-plug-ins/rhino-25.html
Easy to install, intuitive to use
- Run the .msi installer.
- Get a license on datakit.com.
- In Rhino, click on "DATAKIT EXCHANGE" -> "LICENSE MANAGER" -> "Install" and select your license file.
- License Type:
License Cost: