(by Parakeet3d)
Parakeet is a collection of components focusing on Algorithmic Pattern Generation.
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Parakeet is a collection of components focusing on Algorithmic Pattern Generation; it offers a unique and easy-to-use approach that Generates Geometrical and Natural Patterns/Networks.

  • Created by Esmaeil Mottaghi and Arman KhalilBeigi       

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For now, Parakeet has 8 Categories: Tilings, Primitives, Pattern Generation, Curve, Mesh, Surface, M.C. Escher, and utilities.

Main features in each category are:

  • Tilings:
    • Several patterns/grids useful for algorithmic design.
    • Semi-Regular and Irregular Tilings.
      • Methods fo Trilateral Tiling (I&II).
      • Quadrilateral Tiling
      • Elongated Triangular, Rhombitrihexagonal, Snub Square, Snub Trihexagonal, Trihexagonal, Truncated Hexagonal, Truncated Square, Truncated Trihexagonal
      • Penrose Tiling
      • Six 2-Uniform-Tilings
      • Several Pentagonal Tiling Methods
      • hyperbolic Tiling, 'Poincaré disk model'

  • Primitives:
    • Collection of Basic geometries with different mathematical properties
  • Pattern Generation
    • Collection of Method for generating patterns and/or shapes
      • 2D/3D Aggregations: Methods for replication geometries with optional obstacles.
      •  Star Pattern I, II & II: Geometrical Methods of generating Islamic Pattern or ’Girih’ 
      • 16+ Different Genotypes for Generating Geometrical Patterns
      • Flow Path component to simulate Fluid flow-pattern
      • Multiple Venation component to create a Branching/Venation Network
      • Tileable Patterns 6 components to create seamless tileable patterns
      • Gilbert Tessellation multiple methods to create re-envised Gilbert tessellations
      • Polyline Fractal
      • Floral Patterns
      • Fracture Patterns
      • Marching Square Pattern
      • Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)
      • Discreet Diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA)
  • M.C. Escher
    • Collection of Method for generating patterns best Known from Drawings of M.C.Escher
      • Methods for Generating Parametric Escherized Tilings
      • Methods for Generating Heterogenous [Parametric] Tailings (Also known by name ‘Metamorphosis’ Patterns)
  • Curve
      • Polygon Area: Create a polygon with a predefined area
      • Divide Curve Variable: Divides a curve based on curvature and optional Maximum Tolerance
      • Loop Truncate: Truncates (Facets) a 2D or 3D Pattern 'Recursively'
      • Mirrored Subdivide Quad: Divides a Cell and Mirrors the pieces alternately (utilized in Islamic Patterns)
      • Map Crv2Crv
      • Network Regions: Retrieves all Regions in a network of curves
      • Complex Transformation (4D or Hyperbolic Transformation)
      • ParaText (Calligraphy)
  • Mesh
      • Mesh Topology: Retrieves full topology of Mesh
      • Mesh Cap: Caps all holes by covering Naked Edges
  • Surface
      • Panelized Sum Surface: Creates a Planar Quad panelization on a surface, generated by two profile curves
      • Reverse Surface: Reverses U and V direction (domain) of a surface
      • Mesh Surface Variable: Creates a Mesh-based on the curvature of a base surface (Larger mesh faces in flat areas)
      • Brep Fill Holes: Fills all Interior Holes on a Brep
  • Utilities
      • Mouse: Retrieves Mouse coordinates and button status
      • Color interpolate: Simple method of creating customized gradients and color sets
      • Face Me and Zoom-to: components to facilitate working with Camera, creating animation/documents
      • Golden Point: Generates a Point on Given Lines Based on Golden Ratio Proportions
      • Scissor: Creates a 'Scissor Structure'; a Circular Deployable Structure
      • RefreshAll: re-computes all Components on the canvas
      • Create Material
      • Fast Closest Point


Important Notes:

  1. We have tested the plugin with Grasshopper on Rhino 6.0  and 7.0 (x64 architecture, Windows), it seems to be stable, anyhow always save your project and valuable data. Use this plugin ‘as it is’. It has no warranties.
  2. Parakeet (1.0.0) works with Rhino 6.0, 7.x, and 8.x and/or newer versions.
  3. Please refer to 'Readme.txt' in your installation folder for 'Terms of Service'
  4. For more Advanced/Commercial Inquiries and/or Educational Purposes please contact the support email. 


Installation Notes:

  • Download and unzip the installation file. Make sure it is ‘Unblocked’ (Right Click on the .gha file and click on unblock button in the attributes section). Place the "content" of Parakeet folder, in your ‘Components Folder’. [Do NOT copy the Folder itself, Copy the content only]. that is, you should have these files in your libraries folder: 1. Parakeet.gha 2. Parakeet.ghpy 3. Accord.dll 4. Accord.MachineLearning.dll 5. Accord.Math.Core.dll 6. Accord.Math.dll 
    (Components folder can be found via grasshopper: File -> Special Folders -> Components Folders). Restart Rhino and Grasshopper.  or check out this video about how to install grasshopper plugins:

Parakeet initiated az an internal tool in our office ‘Paragen Creative studio



Release Log:

  •     Parakeet 1.0.0
    • Updates and improvements. 
    • Also: The timeframe for updating extended from one year to five years.
  •     Parakeet 0.8.0
    • Bug Fixes and Improvements, Hyperbolic Tiling and Transformation, Floral Pattern, Fracture Pattern, Marching Square Pattern, Minimum Spanning Tree (MST), Components for Calligraphy, discreet Diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA), Parakeet 8.X Uses Accord.NET Framework
  •     Parakeet 0.7.0
    • Bug Fixes and Improvements, New Pattern Generation Methods (Genotypes), Network Region component, New Venations, and Star Pattern Algorithms
  •     Parakeet 0.6.0
    • 15 New Components, Bug Fixes and Improvements, New Components in Pattern Generation Section: 3 Methods for Gilbert Tesselation, Differential Growth. New Subcategory for Tileable Patterns. Maze algorithm. Kaleidoscope. Fractal. New Genotypes
License Cost:
For instructions on installing Grasshopper Add-Ons, please see FAQ for details.
Parakeet 1.0.0
Grasshopper for Rhino 6 for Win
Grasshopper for Rhino 7 for Win
Grasshopper for Rhino 8 for Win
Parakeet 0.9 Examples
Grasshopper for Rhino 6 for Win
Grasshopper for Rhino 7 for Win
Grasshopper for Rhino 8 for Win