PanelingTools for Rhino and Grasshopper
(by Rajaa Issa)
Paneling solutions from concept to fabrication. Generate 2D and 3D cellular patterns over rectangular grids.
Support Email

PanelingTools for Rhino and Grasshopper by Robert McNeel & Associates is widely used by designers, architects, and building professionals. It supports intuitive design of paneling concepts as well as help rationalize complex geometry into a format that is suitable for analysis and fabrication.

Support at Discourse:

Installing PanelingTools for Rhino 7 (Service release candidate 7.2):
Windows: Use the PackageManager command to search for "PanelingTools" and click “Download and Install”. 
Mac: PanelingTools for Rhino and Grasshopper is shipped with Rhino7 for Mac. No need to install anything. 

Rhino 6 installation or loading errors?
Installation error: Download and run the "Installer Repair Utility" below, then reinstall PanelingTools.
Loading error: Make sure you have the latest Rhino 6 service release (6.32 or later).
If strill have a problem, please email all of the following three items to (
1) A screenshot of the error, 
2) The Repair Utility log (copy the text below RECOMMENDED ACTION), and 
3) The RHI installer log file that you can fine here:
   Rhino 7: `%appdata%\mcneel\rhinoceros\7.0\logs`
   Rhino 6: `%appdata%\mcneel\rhinoceros\6.0\logs`
   Rhino 5: `%appdata%\mcneel\rhinoceros\5.0\logs`

For instructions on installing Grasshopper Add-Ons, please see FAQ for details.
PanelingTools 2024.8.20.677
PanelingTools is a plugin for Rhino and Grasshopper to help build 2D and 3D paneling solutions from concept to fabrication
Rhino 8 Win
PT Documentation
Rhino 7 for Win
Paneling Tools for Rhino 6 - Windows
Rhino 6 for Win
For Rhino 5 - Windows
Rhino 5 for Win
Installer Repair Utility (Rhino 6)
Rhino 6 for Win