Naval Architect Toolbox
(by Kjarke)
Naval Architect Toolbox The Naval Architect Toolbox plug-in for Rhino enables 5 new commands. The commands allow calculating the hydrostatic proper
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Naval Architect Toolbox

The Naval Architect Toolbox plug-in for Rhino enables 5 new commands. The commands allow calculating the hydrostatic properties of relatively complicated hull geometries. This includes hulls with reverse chines, multihulls and classic V- shaped planing hulls which require a section close to the transom for accurate results. Further commands balance a hull in pitch, heel and sink depending on the location of the centre of gravity and displacement. Hydrostatic properties can also be determined at a range of heel angles to display the righting moment curve and other heel angle dependent data. To help with mass analysis, mass properties can be assigned to materials and the total mass and centre of gravity of multiple Rhino objects calculated.

The plug-in is ideal for quickly analysing hull surfaces during the iterative design stage. A symmetric half model is sufficient for hydrostatic analysis and hull balancing. Full models can also be used. All major hydrostatic data is calculated with minimum user input.

The following hydrostatic results will be computed:

•    Hull length
•    Hull width
•    Canoe body draft
•    Waterline length
•    Waterline width
•    Displaced volume
•    Righting moment (HullBalance and HullHeel only)
•    Cp
•    Cb
•    Displacement / LWL^3
•    CBx
•    CBy
•    CBz
•    Wetted surface area
•    LCB / LWL
•    Max section area
•    Max section area coefficient
•    Waterpane area
•    Waterpane coefficient
•    Centre of flotation x
•    Centre of flotation y
•    CF / LWL
•    Section areas for all sections when data is saved to file

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Release 2.1
Rhino 5 for Win