Mr.Comfy is a Grasshopper3d component, written in Python, that allows designers to visualize, temporally filter and spatially analyze thermal and climate-based daylight building simulation results data in Rhino3d design models. Currently any external simulation software running EnergyPlus and Daysim can act as the data source; however Mr.Comfy does *not* perform simulations itself- it is a visualization suite only.
Instead of using charts or tabular data, energy consumption, comfort, illuminance and any other available report variable are directly displayed through color-coded surfaces (and numeric values) where they occur – in the individual spaces of a design.
By color-mapping and visually reinforcing differences between zone behaviors, designers can thus more easily diagnose which parts of a building use more energy, how this is related to daylight performance and make appropriate morphological changes.
Some of the things Mr.Comfy can do:
- Spatial color-mapping of any EnergyPlus *.csv zone report variable
- Thermal metrics prototyping through custom user expressions
- Spatial (co-)mapping & analysis of Daysim daylight results
- Automatic generation of fitted or custom color gradient bounds
- Interactive hourly scheduling & custom report time ranges
- Generate averages or sums and find minima & maxima
- Map percentages of hours that meet custom conditions
Some of the questions you can answer with it:
- Which exact spaces use the most energy?
- What is the spatial distribution of internal and external gains?
- How are environmental loads, energy use, comfort and daylight connected, and how do they change seasonally?
Release Notes
Mr.Comfy is distributed as a pre-wired *.gh file to retain the set inputs, which are documented in the user guide on
Download either the unassociated *.gh or the sample pack, which includes EnergyPlus results files, raw Daysim results data and a matching building model (also includes high and low resolution DIVA4Rhino daylight meshes).
0.21 06/18/2014
- added user custom thermal report variable mapping expressions
- added single condition check quick frequency mode
- daylight display & referencing now independent of thermal data availability
- builtin natural logarithm daylight display range remapping
- Mr.Comfy component performance boost (independent of no. of variables)
- updated quick converts (Wh to kWh, J to Wh, J to kWh)
- improved startup behaviour
- updated DIVA/viper parser to work with daylight co-mapping
- updated documentation & input glossary
For known issues, see
This software is early beta; there will be bugs and errors for us to weed out collaboratively. Full documentation and release history are maintained at
For support, please join the Mr.Comfy Grasshopper group, the Mr.Comfy google group or eMail me - spacesustainers[~]
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