Melanoplus is a large genus of Grasshopper
This Grasshopper plugin comprises a set of utilities designed to enhance the native Grasshopper experience by introducing essential functions that are currently absent.
Install using the _PackageMager command in Rhino and search for Melanoplus
For compatibility optimization, only the .NET Framework version is published on PackageManager, while the .NET version is provided in the release section.
The minor version denotes the targeted framework:
Version x.1.x is tailored for .NET 7.0, functioning exclusively with Rhino 8 when _SetDotNetRuntime is in /netcore mode, the default setting in Rhino 8.
Version x.0.x is geared towards .NET Framework 4.8, compatible with Rhino 7.19+ and Rhino 8.
For instance, 1.1.6 and 1.0.6 represent the same version of the plugin.
- Category:
- License Type:
Rhino 6 Win
Rhino 7 Win
Rhino 8 Win