LegoPod, previously known as Instance-Manager, is a component of the Heteroptera Plugin that enables Rhino users to efficiently handle Rhino objects, specifically Rhino-Blocks and Text objects. Its main advantage is that it offers a data-oriented method of working within Rhino. LegoPod includes a variety of tools for generating, organizing, and analyzing data from files that contain block objects, rather than placing emphasis on Instace_Refrence and Block_Objects. Additionally, it features several components that are still in development and can be used in combination with Heteroptera's functions to cluster objects based on different characteristics.
Amin Bahrami [Studio Helioripple]
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For instructions on installing Grasshopper Add-Ons, please see FAQ for details.
LegoPod 0.4.2
LegoPod can manipulate rhino objects like Hatch, Text and Blocks objects.
Rhino 7 Mac
Rhino 7 Win
Rhino 7 Win
Also by Amin Bahrami