(by elcinertugrul)
@it (reads atit) is a free GIS plugin for Grasshopper to parse the geospatial data sets.
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This is the v2.3 edition of '@it' plugin for Grasshopper.

'@it' is a free GIS plugin for Grasshopper to parse the geospatial data sets. The plugin @it aims to leverage Open Data, to allow user to make quick visualization to reveal the invisible dimensions, relationship, patterns and trends. 

The main feature is GIS data visualization utilizing spatial data sets in .shp (shape) format. There are three components for the spatial data visualization feature:

shp@it category inlcudes generic GIS tools; supports Point, Line, Polygon vector data format

  • Feat@it: is a look-up component. Input .shp file, Outputs the list of attributes (features) in the given data set and the type of vector data set
  • Import@it:  imports to data into as Grasshopper objects that makes easier to query. Input .shp file, Outputs the shape items as system objects [this component organizes the contents of the data set into system.objects]
  • DataVis@it: Visualizes and filters the data set, input the objects from Imp@it components. Outputs the curves, points, and related filtered attributes.

IshpNYC: These are the NYC specific GIS tools (Open Data, .shp files)

  • Footprint by Borough: Sorts the footprint data set of NYC buildings by borough. 
  • Data Binding: Binds two NYC data sets per common attribute; utilize NYC Tax property and Footprint vector data sets. Outputs shape object has combined attributes and geometry.
  • NYCVis: Visualize and filter the data set, input the objects from Data Binding components.

GeoCoder: Uses Google map api (no plugin needed but u need internet connection)

  • Address Parser: Parses the bad address, returns the formatted addresses and location (latitude , longitude)
  • Street View: Uses Coordinates (latitude , longitude) address parser and return the static street view on the active viewport. 
  • [new] Address Lookup: Reverse Geocoding, returns formatted address from Coordinates (latitude , longitude)

[new] Statistics

  • [new]Coordinates2Statistics: Uses Coordinates (latitude , longitude) and returns Statictics of specified place such as Population, Elevation, landcover etc.

[new]Open Street Map OSM: Components to parse OSM data, utilizes REST api

  • [new] osm_Trace : Traces OSM and returns features. Projection types UTM or WGS84 
  • [new] osm_3D_Bldgs: Returns 3D geometry of OSM buildings, uses UTM projection and draws in Rhino model units.
  • [new] osm_Bldg_Info: Parse geojson data of OSM buildings, returns  features/or tags.

Check Grasshopper group page for more information and sample files. Please send your questions & suggestions to the group. 

* The second feature is the multi attractor component. Attrct@it component is to remap the values per multiple attractor points. Input as many as attractor point as you wish, the target points, and 2Ddomain to remap up to two values. Outputs the clusters of the target points (same order with given attractors), shortest actual distance, vectors, and the remapped values.

* Compute@it was removed from @it plugin, @it now only consists of GIS querry & spatial data visualization tools.

Some more comments on this series of components:

We have tested this project, but it is the first release and it might contain still bugs. Please use it "as is", it does not come with warranties. We spent a lot of time developing the logic and implementing it, please give credit where credit is due.

We have developed and compile the gha files in Visual studio using C# programming language. We incorporated a free geographic information system library for C#, (DotSpatial, http://dotspatial.codeplex.com/) Components used the GIS extension dlls.

To install:

  • In Grasshopper, choose File > Special Folders > Components folder. Copy to folder that hold the gha and all the dll files there.
  • Right-click on the gha and dll files > Properties > make sure there is no "blocked" text
  • Restart Rhino and Grasshopper

Below are a few links to the open data resources:

Go to Open data gov for more data sets.

Buildings' Footprints  data sets: Chicago, Seatle, San Francisco, NYC 

A sample files are added to the release package. Please let us know if you have any suggestion or wishes for future enhancement.

We appreciate any feedback. Please feel free to contact us at:

Elcin Ertugrul    [elcinertugrul@gmail.com]

Naciem Nowrouzi    [naciem.nowrouzi@gmail.com]



License Cost:
For instructions on installing Grasshopper Add-Ons, please see FAQ for details.
Grasshopper for Rhino 4 & 5 for Win
@it v2.1
Grasshopper for Rhino 4 & 5 for Win
@it v1.3
Grasshopper for Rhino 4 & 5 for Win
Grasshopper for Rhino 4 & 5 for Win