(by hammytwo)
Hammy is an Integrated Tool for Sustainable Building Design
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Hammy is an Integrated Tool for Sustainable Building Design



Hammy seamlessly integrates Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) into the sustainable building design process, providing opportunities for flexible design solutions. Architects and engineers can evaluate energy consumption, carbon emissions, and daylight availability throughout the building's lifecycle, ensuring the creation of sustainable buildings.

What hammy can do:

          1. detect original geometry and site 

          2. generate new geometry

          3. estimate building proformance (Total energy demand, GWP embeded, GWP Operational, Spatial Daylight Autonomy, Annual Sunlight Exposure

          4. automatic planning 

          5. recording results data

          6. visulize solution space and recommand best result



1. Doenload hammy from this page or github page.

2.Extract .zip file.

3.In Grasshopper, choose File > Special Folders> User Objects Folder. Move hammy folder you downloaded there.

4. Close Rhino and Grasshopper , open terminal.

5. in terminal open C:\Users\<user name>\.rhinocode\py39-rh8\Scripts and install numpy 1.26.4 scikit-learn 1.0.2

in terminal type: 

          cd C:\Users\<user name>\.rhinocode\py39-rh8\Scripts

          pip install numpy==1.26.4

          pip install scikit-learn==1.0.2

3. restart Rhino and Grasshopper

4. enjoy!


GitHub page : https://github.com/HammyTwoOfficial/hammy

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For instructions on installing Grasshopper Add-Ons, please see FAQ for details.
Hammy 0.0.0
Grasshopper for Rhino 8 for Win