GeometryBin is a collaborative toolset that makes sharing data between multiple grasshopper files simple. Using GeometryBin is easy. First, create a new bin at and be sure to keep track of your bin id and secret key. Next, use the pack command to send your grasshopper data to the cloud. Finally, use the unpack component in another definition to download the data.
- How much data can I upload?
Right now, I have the limit is set at 15mb. Currently this limit is due to some server side implementation choices. As these issues are refined, this limit will vanish. You can also create as many bins as you need.
- The cloud?! Where is my data stored? Who owns it and can access it?
All the data is stored in a custom built server backend host on an Amazon EC2 instance. The server implements an API in addition to the website which the plugins use to access the data.
- An API huh? Can I have access to that?
You bet you can. Just not right now. Eventually I want to publish API specifications to allow other developers to integrate their plugins, or create plugins for other softwares or applications.
- Sounds awesome. Tell me about the future.
Technically thats not a question but I'll give it my best shot. My hope is that GeometryBin becomes a collaboration toolset that allows data to easily be shared accross large teams and multiple platforms and medias. Grasshopper to Dynamo? Yep. Grasshopper or Dynamo to an iPad app? Yep. Grasshopper to augmented reality? You betcha. How about an HTML5 grasshopper viewer? Thats the dream and Geometrybin is the platform to get us there.
Have more questions, comments, or feedback? Email me and I will response ASAP. I hope you enjoy Geometrybin.
Beta Notes
I have spent the last two weeks developing and testing GeometryBin and it is far from perfect. Please keep this in mind as you are using it. The biggest issue I can see right now is that sometimes the "pack" component will freeze for a minute while trying to contact the server. A fix for this is already in the works.
To install:
- In Grasshopper, choose File > Special Folders > Components folder. Save the gha file there.
- Right-click the file > Properties > make sure there is no "blocked" text
- Restart Rhino and Grasshopper
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