Free Jewels
(by seppeldue)
A set of tools for creating jewellery within Rhino 67 & 8
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A set of tools for creating jewellery within Rhino 6,7 and 8 for Windows and MacOS

Updated to 1.1.3 as of December 2023

If you still run an old version, downloaded from here, make sure to FIRST uninstall and delete the old plugin and the plugin folder before installing the new version via "Package Manager".
(old Plugin folder on MacOs: /Users/"yourusername"/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/MacPlugIns/FreeJewels).
(on Windows you might be better off uninstalling Rhino and setting up a clean install...)

So far there are the following commands:
FJ_PaveSet                (Place circles on a surface. Now with hotkeys "WASD" for size and offset!(not for MacOs))
FJ_PaveDrill               (Insert drills into the cicles created with FJ_PaveSet. !Block instance. Explode befor using for boolean!)
FJ_PaveStone            (Insert brillant cut stone meshes into the cicles created with FJ_PaveSet. !Block instance!)
FJ_OrientObjectsOnSurface (Orient objects as block instaces on a surface and rotate/relocate the instances while keeping normal alignment)
FJ_Report                  (Calculate object weights of different materials. Needs materials from the FJ_Mat command)
FJ_GemMaker            (Create differnt stone cut meshes)
FJ_MirrorCurve          (Create mirror curves)
FJ_IterativeBoolDif    (Iterative Boolean Difference. Failed and successful booleans get droped on new layers. Works with Block instances.)
FJ_IterativeBoolUn    (Iterative Boolean Union. Failed and successful booleans get droped on new layers. Works with Block instances.)
FJ_Expand                 (Expand (position scale) objects in space. 3D/2D/1D.)
FJ_Mat                       (A selection of materials for Rhino renderer and the FJ_Report command)
FJ_ChainMaker          (Create chains from one object and a curve)
FJ_IterativeOffset      (Offset multiple curves)
FJ_CurveToCircle       (Turns curves into circles)
FJ_CenterPoint          (Places a point in the center of all selected objects)
FJ_NumberObjects    (Places a number with all selected objects and groups both)
FJ_ScaleEach             (Scales each selected object from its own center. Works on brep sub select)
FJ_Multipipe              (Create multiple pipes with multiple diameters)
FJ_PaveOnLine          (Create circles on one or between two curves on a surface)

To install use the "Package Manager" in the Rhino app.
You can report bugs and/or suggestions for new/improved commands to .
This is a WIP and has no warranty whatsoever :)

If you like this, consider making a donation to via PayPal.

FreeJewels 1.1.3
Free Jewels is a set of tools for creating jewellery within Rhino 6/7/8.
Rhino 6 Mac
Rhino 6 Win
Rhino 7 Mac
Rhino 7 Win
Rhino 8 Mac
Rhino 8 Win