(by Fologram)
Instant mixed reality experiences from Rhino and Grasshopper
$9.90 USD / month
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Use Fologram to view and share Rhino and Grasshopper instantly in mixed reality on HoloLens 1, HoloLens 2, iOS and Android. Geometry, layers and grasshopper parameters can be edited in real time in Fologram to create powerful tools for design, communication, collaboration and fabrication. Fologram works on any device running Rhino, no game engines, scripting or model exports are required. 

Once you've downloaded Fologram for Rhino and have the Fologram on your mobile or HoloLens Device, check out our docs for guides, examples, projects and research publications. 


  • View and modify Rhino and Grasshopper geometry in real time
  • View and interact with Grasshopper parameters in real time
  • Publish and view cloud-hosted models
  • View material changes in real time
  • Modify Rhino layers in mixed reality 
  • Support for model animation via streamed transforms
  • View and modify a shared Rhino model on multiple devices
  • Synchronize interactions between devices
  • Track device positions in real time
  • Create and track custom QR codes  in real time
  • Accurately position models in physical space using multiple QR codes
  • Track 25 feature points per hand (HoloLens 2), palm positions (HoloLens 1) and multi touch gestures (iOS and Android) in real time
  • Stream spatial meshes (HoloLens 1 and 2) and detected surfaces (iOS and Android) in real time
  • Stream depth camera data (HoloLens 2) in real time
  • Connect to any PC or Mac running Rhino with our free Rhino and grasshopper plugin.


Fologram for Rhino and Grasshopper are free to download and install on any PC running Rhino 6 or above.

Fologram for Mobile and Fologram for HoloLens are free to try for 14 days. Subscriptions can be purchased from our website

License Cost:
For instructions on installing Grasshopper Add-Ons, please see FAQ for details.
Rhino 6 (Windows)
Grasshopper for Rhino 6 for Win
Rhino 6 for Win
Rhino 7 (Windows)
Grasshopper for Rhino 7 for Win
Rhino 7 for Win
Rhino 8 (Windows)
Grasshopper for Rhino 8 for Win
Rhino 8 for Win
Rhino 6 (Mac)
Grasshopper for Rhino 6 Mac
Rhino 6 Mac
Rhino 7 (Mac)
Grasshopper for Rhino 7 Mac
Rhino 7 Mac
Rhino 8 (Mac)
Grasshopper for Rhino 8 Mac
Rhino 8 Mac
Also by Fologram