Extrude To Surface v1.0
(by miled_72)
Extrude 2D shapes to a surface
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Extrude To Surface is a grasshopper component that will allow the user to extrude 2D shapes to a boundary surface, where the top part of the extrusion takes the form of the boundary's topology. The component has two additional features:

1- Taper: the user can taper the top part of the extrusion. 

The top part of the extrusion will maintain its topology taken from the boundary surface.

2- Offset: the user can offset the extrusion below or beyond the boundary surface. The top part of the extrusion will maintain its topology

Taken from the boundary surface.

To Install:

1- Download, and make sure to Right-Click it, Properties, and make sure it's not blocked, if you see the option to Unblock, check it and

click Apply.

In Grasshopper, go to File, Special Folders, Components Folder, and paste the component there. Restart Rhino.

The Plugin is tested in Rhino 7 and 8, and it should work on older versions as well

License Cost:
For instructions on installing Grasshopper Add-Ons, please see FAQ for details.
Extrude To Surface V1.0
Grasshopper for Rhino 7 for Win
Grasshopper for Rhino 8 for Win
Extrude To Surface V1.5
Grasshopper for Rhino 7 for Win
Grasshopper for Rhino 8 for Win