(by vuild)
Emarf plugin contains set of components you can use to 3D model which can be uploaded and interactively controlled on a web app called Emarf.
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Emarf plugin contains set of components you can use to 3D model which can be uploaded and interactively controlled on a web app called Emarf.




  • Windows 64x.
  • Rhinoceros  6.19.19295 and above.

Installation Instructions:

  1. Download and extract zip file containing gha and dll files.
  2. Move all the files under /Users/yourusername/AppData/Roaming/Grasshopper/Libraries/
  3. Launch Grasshopper and if you see an Emarf tab you are good to go!

Basic workflow:

  1. Create flat surface on XY plane first with components under Geometry subcategory.
  2. Extrude the flat surface by using EExtrude component.
  3. Transform your extrude object using Grasshopper’s available default transform components.
  4. Create sliders with names for parameters you want to control on a web app.
  5. Save your file as GHX file and check if the file works fine on a web app by selecting menu item “Emarf > debug ghx file”
  6. If everything seems good upload the GHX file on Emarf web app (https://emarf.co/) and you can now control your parametric model on a web !

* For quick start check out the video.

Basic rule:

  • You cannot use default Curve / Surface / Brep / Mesh related components but instead you are limited to use components provided by Emarf plugin.
  • You have to save the Grasshopper file as GHX.
  • You can check if the GHX file made can be used on a web app by Only extruded geometry made by EExtrude component can be shown in web app.
  • If you find a bug or want to give a positive feed.

Available default components:

  • Absolute
  • Addition
  • Amplitude
  • Angle
  • ArcCosine
  • ArcSine
  • ArcTangent
  • BooleanToggle
  • Bounds
  • ConstructDomain
  • ConstructPlane
  • ConstructPoint
  • Cosine
  • CrossProduct
  • Cube
  • CubeRoot
  • Deconstruct
  • DeconstructDomain
  • DeconstructPlane
  • DeconstructVector
  • Degrees
  • Dispatch
  • Division
  • DotProduct
  • DuplicateData
  • Equality
  • FlattenTree
  • GateAnd
  • GateMajority
  • GateNand
  • GateNor
  • GateNot
  • GateOr
  • GateXnor
  • GateXor
  • GraftTree
  • LargerThan
  • ListItem
  • ListLength
  • Logarithm
  • LogN
  • MassAddition
  • MassMultiplication
  • Merge
  • Modulus
  • Move
  • Multiplication
  • Naturallogarithm
  • Negative
  • Number
  • NumberSlider
  • OCircle
  • ODifference
  • OExportOutline
  • OExtrude
  • OFabFillet
  • OFillet
  • OIntersection
  • OneOverX
  • OOutput
  • OParam
  • Operation
  • OPolyline
  • ORectangle
  • Orient
  • OSrfSrfIntersect
  • OUnion
  • Panel
  • Pi
  • Power
  • Powerof10
  • Powerof2
  • PowerofE
  • Radians
  • Random
  • Range
  • RemapNumbers
  • ReverseList
  • Rotate
  • Rotate3D
  • Scale
  • ScaleNU
  • Series
  • ShiftList
  • ShiftPaths
  • SimplifyTree
  • Sine
  • SmallerThan
  • SortList
  • Square
  • SquareRoot
  • StreamFilter
  • StreamGate
  • Subtraction
  • UnitVector
  • UnitX
  • UnitY
  • UnitZ
  • ValidateComponents
  • ValueList
  • Vector2Pt
  • VectorLength
  • VectorXYZ
  • VRot
  • XYPlane
  • XZPlane
  • YZPlane
License Cost:
For instructions on installing Grasshopper Add-Ons, please see FAQ for details.
Grasshopper for Rhino 6 for Win
Grasshopper for Rhino 6 for Win