(by jchun726)
EdiTree is the first set of useful open source components developed by EDIT Collective to provide easier manipulation of data structure and data manag
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EdiTree is the first set of useful open source components developed by EDIT Collective to provide easier manipulation of data structure and data management.

It offers some additional features as follows, in addition to the existing data management components:

  • SubTree:
    Retrieve a specific branch / sub-branches from a data tree. This component allows you to extract items under the specified branch, when branch path indices are assigned.
  • Divide List
    Divide a list into sub-lists by the predefined number (divisor). Any remaining item will be stored in the separate path followed by last branch.
  • Partition List (Advanced)
    Partition a list into sub-lists by partition size. This is pretty much the same as the existing Partition List component except that it gives any remaining item in a separate list.
  • Split List (Multiple)
    Split a list into separate parts at a specified index number. Similar to the existing Split List Component, each index indicates the first item in each list.


You can find a complete listing and documentation of this add-on at our Git-hub address:



We are happy to develop additional components in the near future. If you have any cool idea about this open source development project, please feel free to contact us.


To Install:

    1. Right click on the .zip file you download from Food4Rhino > Properties > Unblock, Apply, OK.

    2. Copy the EdiTree.gha and paste into your Grasshopper Components folder: In Grasshopper, choose File > Special Folders > Components folder.

    3. Restart Rhino and Grasshopper



The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) <2016> <EDIT Collective>


Sample file for the detailed explanation of EdiTree components is in the zip.


EDIT Collective: John Juhyung Chun, H.John Choi

License Cost:
For instructions on installing Grasshopper Add-Ons, please see FAQ for details.
EdiTree + Example Files
Grasshopper for Rhino 4 & 5 for Win