Custom Graph Mapper
(by nickname1988)
This is the first release of my plug-in for grasshopper 0.9.0070. This utility for grasshopper exposes five commands: First. Y values (Y
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This is the first release of my plug-in for grasshopper 0.9.0070.

This utility for grasshopper exposes five commands:

  • First. Y values (Y): the ordinate values defining your graph (better if included in a 0-1 range, in any case the tool will remap them in a 0-1 range for you)
  • Second. X values (X): the abscissa values defining your graph (better if invluded in a 0-1 range, in any case the tool will remap them in a 0-1 range for you)
  • Third. Curve degree (CRV Deg): insert here the curve degree you wish to define
  • fourth. Knot spacing (KNT sp): 0 uniform, 1 chord, 2 sqrt
  • Last. Values: insert here the values you need to evaluate by your amazing custom graph

As ouput you get: Evaluated numbers (NN); the GRAPH (as curve); 

                            The graph control points (Def Pts) as points


You can use all the number you want in order to create your graph, if you have a point list for x and y values already set, the tool will remap them in a 0-1 range. Thus the basic graph is drawn in a 0-1 rhino unit. 

I have tested this project, but it is the first release and it might contain still bugs. Please use it "as is", it does not come with warranties. I spent a lot of time developing the logic and implementing it, please give credit where credit is due. Other additional text.

To install:

  • Download the gh User object than choose File > Special Folders > User Object Folder. Copy and Paste the user object file there.
  • You will find Custom Graph Mapper in: Math> Util
  • Enjoy!!!


- NickName88

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Customize Graph Mapper
Grasshopper for Rhino 4 & 5 for Win